International Remittance Payments

Guide on using the Remittances API for international money transfers via the Bitcoin Lightning Network

Bakkt revolutionizes international remittance payments by harnessing the speed of crypto rails for international fiat-to-fiat transfers, offering a significant advantage in cost and time efficiency when compared to the traditional banking system and forex conversions. Users can send international fiat transactions in just a few milliseconds via the Bitcoin lightning network. The lightning network is a scaling solution that provides a second layer operating on top of the Bitcoin blockchain that enables increased transaction speed among participating nodes. Bakkt utilizes the lightning network as the backend infrastructure for international fiat remittance payments.

Core Concepts and Functionality

On the front end, the user experience is simple. A US customer can seamlessly send USD to their mother in Mexico via the client’s platform, which then gets converted into Pesos for local pickup at her corner store in Mexico. Customers and clients will see fiat transactions in reports, as cryptocurrency operations occur only at Bakkt.

On the backend, when the user hits send, Bakkt buys Bitcoin and utilizes a Lightning Node Service Provider to facilitate this transaction. The lightening service provider then collaborates with a receiving operator to facilitate this remittance's output at a local financial service point. Bakkt will buy Bitcoin for transactions via the lightning network, clients are not involved in cryptocurrency handling.


Fees are explicitly detailed to the sender at the time of transaction initiation, which is valid until the estimate's expiration and currently calculated by the Estimate Endpoint as a percentage of the remittance amount. For example: Sending $100 plus $2 fee will amount to $102 that the customer will pay.


Clients can refer to the Cash Activity Report to view Remittance Payments reports and reconcile transactions. There will be no activity for Bitcoin trades or transfers related to lightning transactions as this is handled behind the scenes, and the client is only utilizing fiat for Remittance Payments and foreign fiat currency will come out at the end. In the Cash Activity Report, the transactions will include fees and appear as one transaction.


Clients will notify customers about their Remittance Payments being sent via email and upload a copy to our AWS S3 Bucket.


To integrate this service, clients can use the Remittances API to enable international money transfers, offering their users a seamless remittance payment experience. This API is structured around two primary endpoints that serve distinct functions in the remittance process:

  • Estimate Endpoint: This endpoint is designed to calculate the remittance cost. It provides clients with the expected transfer fees and the total amount required for the transaction. The output includes a preview of the exchange rate and includes a reference ID (estimateId) which is then used in the 'send' endpoint to complete the transaction. This estimate will have a different exchange rate and expiration time (between 1-5 minutes) depending on the receiving address.
  • Send Endpoint: Utilized for executing the actual money transfer. This step requires input consistent with the 'estimate' phase, including the estimate ID and the total amount to be sent. The response from this endpoint will indicate the status of the transaction, such as 'success' or 'failure'.

Lightning Address Formats

For remittance payments, we accommodate both Lightning Addresses and Universal Money Addresses (UMA). Lightning Addresses are akin to email addresses and enable fund transfers directly. For instance, a typical Lightning Address might look like [email protected]. On the other hand, UMAs start with a dollar sign ($) such as $[email protected], and cater to a broader spectrum of cryptocurrency transactions. It's essential to use approved domains for these transactions. Please reach out to us for a list of supported domains to ensure smooth payment processing.

Currently, only outgoing fiat-to-fiat remittances for international transfers are supported for a select number of countries. We plan to expand our offerings to include incoming transactions in the near future.


The Estimate endpoint calculates the expected cost of a remittance. It returns a detailed breakdown of the fees and the total amount, along with a reference ID (estimateId). This estimateId is necessary for linking the estimate to the send action. It's important to note that each estimate has an expiration time, and the send action should be completed within this period to ensure the accuracy of the quoted amount.

Estimate Request Fields

accountThe account ID of the user initiating the payment.
expectedReceiverCurrencyThe currency that the receiver is expected to receive.
senderCurrencyThe currency in which the sender will make the payment.
senderQuantityThe amount in the sender currency that the client wishes to estimate for the cost.
receiverAddressThe lightning address or UMA of the receiver.

Estimate Response Fields:

paymentEstimateIdUnique ID for the payment estimate.
feeQuantityThe fee amount in the sender's currency.
senderTotalQuantityThe total amount the sender will pay, including fees.
receiverCurrencyThe currency that the receiver will receive.
receiverQuantityThe amount the receiver is expected to get (in the receiver currency).
exchangeRateThe exchange rate from the sender's to the receiver's currency, excluding fees.
exchangeRateIncludingFeesThe effective exchange rate after fees.
feePercentageThe percentage fee charged for the transaction.
estimatedAtThe timestamp when the estimate was generated.
expiresAtThe timestamp when the estimate expires.
requestA copy of the original request.

Example request/response

curl --location 'https://apex-crypto/api/v2/payments/send/estimate' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_here>' \
--data-raw '{
  "account": "0eacf91e-2d80-4718-b55e-50641cf0731a",
  "expectedReceiverCurrency": "GTQ",
  "senderCurrency": "USD",
  "senderQuantity": "100.00",
  "receiverAddress": "[email protected]"
    "paymentEstimateId": "7f04848b-4b52-4456-b254-ad2a11f98316",
    "feeQuantity": "2.00",
    "senderTotalQuantity": "102.00",
    "receiverCurrency": "GTQ",
    "receiverQuantity": "782.33",
    "exchangeRate": "7.823346",
    "exchangeRateIncludingFees": "7.669947",
    "feePercentage": "2",
    "estimatedAt": "2024-01-19T16:29:30.857779117Z",
    "expiresAt": "2024-01-19T16:34:30.858032047Z",
    "request": {
        "account": "0eacf91e-2d80-4718-b55e-50641cf0731a",
        "expectedReceiverCurrency": "GTQ",
        "senderCurrency": "USD",
        "senderQuantity": "100.00",
        "receiverAddress": "[email protected]"


Following the generation of an estimate, the 'send' endpoint is used to execute the transfer. Inputs for this step must match the response from the estimate step, including the estimate ID and the total send amount, which includes the fees. The endpoint's response indicates the success status of the transfer.

Send Request Fields

accountThe account ID of the user initiating the payment.
clientTransactionIdA unique identifier for the client's transaction.
paymentEstimateIdThe ID of the payment estimate obtained from the estimate step.
descriptionAn optional description for the payment.
receiverCurrencyThe currency the receiver will receive.
senderCurrencyThe currency in which the sender will make the payment.
senderTotalQuantityThe total amount the sender will pay, including fees, in the sender currency.
receiverAddressThe lightning address or UMA of the receiver.

Send Response Fields

accountThe account ID of the user initiating the payment.
clientTransactionIdA unique identifier for the client's transaction.
createdAtThe timestamp when the transaction was created.
descriptionAn optional description for the payment.
exchangeRateThe exchange rate from the sender's to the receiver's currency.
receiverCurrencyThe currency received by the recipient.
receiverQuantityThe amount received by the recipient.
paymentEstimateIdThe ID of the payment estimate used for this transaction.
receivingAddressThe address to which the payment was sent.
senderCurrencyThe currency used by the sender for the transaction.
senderFeeThe fee amount charged from the sender.
senderTotalQuantityThe total amount sent by the sender, including fees.
statusThe status of the transaction ('SUCCESS', 'FAILED').
transactionIdA unique identifier for the transaction.
updatedAtThe timestamp when the transaction was last updated.
requestA copy of the original request.

Example request/response

curl --location 'https://apex-crypto/api/v2/payments/send' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your_jwt_here>' \
--data-raw '{
  "receiverAddress": "[email protected]",
  "senderCurrency": "USD",
  "receiverCurrency": "GTQ",
  "paymentEstimateId": "7f04848b-4b52-4456-b254-ad2a11f98316",
  "description": "Optional payment description",
  "senderTotalQuantity": "102.00",
  "clientTransactionId": "client_defined_transaction_id",
  "account": "0eacf91e-2d80-4718-b55e-50641cf0731a"
    "account": "0eacf91e-2d80-4718-b55e-50641cf0731a",
    "clientTransactionId": "client_defined_transaction_id",
    "createdAt": "2024-01-19T17:22:05.429668349Z",
    "description": "Optional payment description",
    "exchangeRate": "7.823346",
    "receiverCurrency": "GTQ",
    "receiverQuantity": "782.33",
    "paymentEstimateId": "9420dc78-dcec-4a23-92d9-40ea52d746d3",
    "receivingAddress": "[email protected]",
    "senderCurrency": "USD",
    "senderFee": "2.00",
    "senderTotalQuantity": "102.00",
    "status": "success",
    "transactionId": "884673db-3f19-48c0-b7de-f00e7db89bb4",
    "updatedAt": "2024-01-19T17:22:08.974047636Z",
    "request": {
        "account": "0eacf91e-2d80-4718-b55e-50641cf0731a",
        "clientTransactionId": "client_defined_transaction_id",
        "paymentEstimateId": "7f04848b-4b52-4456-b254-ad2a11f98316",
        "description": "Optional payment description",
        "receiverCurrency": "GTQ",
        "senderCurrency": "USD",
        "senderTotalQuantity": "102.00",
        "receiverAddress": "[email protected]"