Getting Started
Integrating with Bakkt's platform for cryptocurrency trading is designed to be straightforward and streamline your journey to accessing cryptocurrency trading, order management, real-time market data, and fiat on-ramping services. Our support team will ensure you have a smooth integration and is ready to assist through the entire process.
To get started, contact to set up essential requirements such as a username, password, an environment, and IP whitelisting. This will grant access to APIs and S3 buckets where reports will be posted. Note that we only issue one set of credentials per client.
Once API access is granted, these are the steps to create an MVP integration with Bakkt:
- Opening Accounts: Bakkt's Create Account API facilitates the entire account creation process, with supplementary APIs for document uploads, account updates, and data retrieval.
- Streaming Market Data: Connect to Bakkt's market data feed for live cryptocurrency prices.
- Fiat Funding Onramp (Optional): Depending on settlement approach, clients may integrate with Bakkt's fiat onramp for seamless customer fiat deposits or handle it themselves.
- Order Management: Depending on your choice between FIX or REST integrations, you can send and manage orders on customers behalf with either.
This overview outlines the main high-level integration steps. Additional details will be addressed throughout the onboarding process.
Updated 12 months ago