Change Log

Added new instrument types to FIAT_EVENT webhooks and Cash Activity Report PARTNER_WRITE_OFF, BAKKT_WRITE_OFF, DECEASED_PARTY, OTHER_ADJUSTMENT.03/26/24
Corrected fiatTransactionType and transactionStatus values in the Webhook Fields section.02/07/24
Corrected Fiat Events > ACH > ACH Cancelled webhook example.02/07/24
Added ACH Transaction Flow section to describe Cancelled ACH transactions.02/07/24
Added Status field definition to Cash Activity Reports > Field Descriptions.02/07/24
Added plaidAccount/link specific webhooks12/01/23
Added Wire support to Transfer Fiat Currency section11/17/23
Added Wire support to Instrument Type in Webhook Fields and Cash Activity Report sections11/17/23
Corrected Cash Activity Report: ACH_RETURN_FEE is passed in Fiat Transaction Type11/17/23
Additional PARTY EVENT reason codes for enrollment workflow11/17/23
Add BANK_ACCOUNT_LINK webhook example for unsupported bank10/17/23
Additional PARTY EVENT status on enrollment failures10/17/23
Added Change log10/10/23
Partner SDK removed – No longer supported10/10/23
Added Instrument Type of ACH_RETURN_FEE to Cash Activity Reports10/10/23
Example login command Added to Partner Connectivity09/15/23
Additional party statuses added to partyStatus in Webhook Fields section09/15/23
Corrected webhookType to partnerWebhookType in webhook examples09/15/23
Corrected withdraw minimum in Transaction Velocity and limits09/15/23
PARTY_EVENT Reason Codes section added09/07/23