Fiat Funding Onramp Error Codes
Bakkt Transfer API error codes
Type | Description | Error Explanation |
PARTY_SUSPENDED | Party Suspended | The consumer account is suspended |
IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_IN_USE | IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_IN_USE | Idempotency key was used previously |
INVALID_PARTNER_ID | The Partner Id is not valid | PartnerID is not correct |
PARTY_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Partner Party Ref not found | An existing consumer account was not found |
PARTNER_INVALID_OPERATION | Partner operation not permitted: FUND_TRANSFER | Partner account created but does not have service type set up |
PARTY_INVALID_OPERATION | Party status not valid | The consumer status is not active |
PLAID_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | No active plaid account found | A corresponding Plaid account was not found for the consumer. Bank Link issue |
OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED | Ach bank transaction is not allowed | The consumer is not allowed to transfer funds |
BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Active bank account not found for party | No linked bank account found for Consumer |
BANK_LINK_ITEM_NOT_FOUND | No associated plaid item found for id 34DSFWE456 | The consumer's Plaid account link may have expired or the user never linked an account |
LINKED_BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Active bank account not found for party | No linked bank account found for Consumer |
BANK_INSTITUTION_NOT_FOUND | Failed to find table PLAID_ITEM record with id 1AFB456 | The Bank / Institution provided by Plaid cannot be found. A re-link needs to be initiated |
UNSUPPORTED_FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION | Financial Institution provided is unsupported at this time. | The consumer Bank is not supported by Bakkt |
STORED_AUTH_INVALID | The current link status is not active | Plaid link status is not valid, bank account relinking needed |
INVALID_FIELD_VALUE | The amount is below the minimum withdrawal amount of $10. | The transaction request amount is below the minimum value |
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | The account does not have enough available balance for action of value 50 dollars | Operation was rejected because the account had insufficient balance |
BANK_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED | The operation is not allowed | The bank account is on blocked list |
BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_UNAVAILABLE | Bank account provider returned no balance information. | No balance account data on bank account |
RISKY_EVENT_DECLINED | Unable to process the deposit request | The event was determined risky and declined |
PARTNERPARTYREF_NOT_UNIQUE | Partner Party Ref not unique | partnerPartyRef was used previously |
TRANSACTION_VELOCITY_OVER_LIMIT | Maximum number of deposit transactions reached | The consumer has reached their daily limit for that operation |
AMOUNT_OVER_LIMIT | The requested amount would exceed the transaction limit. | The transaction amount has exceeded the max amount |
AMOUNT_OVER_LIMIT_DAILY | The requested amount would exceed the transaction limit. | This transaction amount has exceeded daily transaction limit |
AMOUNT_OVER_LIMIT_MONTHLY | The requested amount would exceed the transaction limit. | This transaction amount has exceeded monthly transaction limit |
Bakkt Transaction Retrieval API Error Codes
Http status | Type | Sample response | Error Explanation |
400 | VALIDATION_ERROR | {"type": "VALIDATION_ERROR","description": "Data provided was invalid for operation.","detail": "PARTNER_ID_NOT_VALID_FOR_TRANSACTION"} | Invalid PartnerId |
400 | INVALID_DATA | {"type": "INVALID_DATA","description": "Data provided was invalid for operation.","detail": "Partner Party Link not found"} | Data provided was invalid for operation |
400 | INVALID_OPERATION | {"type": "INVALID_OPERATION","description": "Operation is not supported.","detail": "Party operation not permitted: "} | Operation is not supported. |
400 | INVALID_OPERATION | {"type": "INVALID_OPERATION","description": "Operation is not supported.","detail": "Party status not valid: "} | Operation is not supported. |
404 | NOT_FOUND | {"type": "NOT_FOUND", "description": "Item is not found for specified id.","detail": "Transaction not found {{transactionId}}"} | Item is not found for specified id. |
Bakkt Account Link And Add Bank Account API Error Codes
Http status | Type | Sample response | Error Explanation |
400 | PARTY_INVALID_OPERATION | {"type": "PARTY_INVALID_OPERATION","description": "Operation is not supported.","detail": "Party status not valid"} | The consumer status is not active |
404 | PARTY_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | { "type": "PARTY_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND", "description": "Data provided was invalid for operation.", "detail": "Partner Party Ref not found" } | An existing consumer account was not found |
400 | INVALID_PARTNER_ID | { "type": "INVALID_PARTNER_ID", "description": "Request parameters didn't pass their validation", "detail": "The Partner Id is not valid" } | PartnerID is not correct |
403 | LINK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | { "type": "LINK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "description": "Link limit exceeded.", "detail": "Link limit exceeded." } | Link limit exceeded. |
400 | INVALID_PARTY | { "type": "INVALID_PARTY", "description": "Input parameters don't match each other.", "detail": "only parties with a first and last name can link their bank account" } | Input parameters don't match each other |
500 | ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED | {"type": "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED","description": "Data provided was invalid for operation","detail": "The account ref has already been linked"} | The consumer has already a pending or linked bank account |
400 | ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED | {"type": "ACCOUNT_ALREADY_LINKED","description": "Data provided was invalid for operation","detail": "The account ref has already been linked"} | The consumer has already a pending or linked bank account |
403 | BANK_ACCOUNT_LINKED_ON_MULTIPLE_PARTIES | {"type": "BANK_ACCOUNT_LINKED_ON_MULTIPLE_PARTIES","description": "Linked bank account associated with more than allowed number of party accounts.","detail": "Linked bank account associated with more than allowed number of party accounts."} | Linked bank account associated with more than allowed number of party accounts. |
403 | BANK_ACCOUNT_LINKING_DECLINED | {"type": "BANK_ACCOUNT_LINKING_DECLINED","description": "Unable to link this bank account.","detail": "BANK_ACCOUNT_LINKING_DECLINED"} | Unable to link this bank account, bank account on deny list |
400 | UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY | {"type": "UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY","description": "Input parameters don't match each other.","detail": "Only USD bank accounts supported"} | Non-USD currency, only USD accounts supported |
403 | RISKY_EVENT_DECLINED", | { "type": "RISKY_EVENT_DECLINED", "description": "Forbidden.", "detail": "Unable to process the link bank account request." } | The event was determined risky and declined |
403 | PARTY_SUSPENDED | { "type": "PARTY_SUSPENDED", "description": "Suspended", "detail": "Party Suspended" } | The consumer account is suspended |
409 | IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_IN_USE | { "type": "IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_IN_USE", "description": "idempotency_key was already used in another request", "detail": "IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_IN_USE" } | Idempotency key was used previously |
403 | INVALID_PARTNER_STATUS | {"type": "INVALID_PARTNER_STATUS","description": "fobidden","details": "PARTNER_INVAID"} | Invalid access |
409 | PARTY_MISMATCH | {"type": "PARTY_MISMATCH","description": "Providing user info don't match with existed party.","detail": "Providing user info doesn't match with email or tax id."} | Given user info does not match |
400 | VALIDATION_ERROR | {"type": "VALIDATION_ERROR","description": "Data provided was invalid for operation.","detail": "INVALID_PARTNER_ID"} | Invalid PartnerId |
500 | REMOTE_EXCEPTION | {"type": "REMOTE_EXCEPTION","description": "Internal error occurred.","detail": "Risk returned no config."} | Internal error performing risk check |
500 | REMOTE_EXCEPTION | {"type": "REMOTE_EXCEPTION","description": "Internal error occurred.","detail": "Risk returned no required partner party level."} | Internal error performing risk check |
400 | VALIDATION_ERROR | {"type": "VALIDATION_ERROR","description": "Request parameters didn't pass their validation, see errordetails.","detail": "Party already closed."} | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure. Consumer account already closed. |
400 | DATA_MISMATCH | {"type": "DATA_MISMATCH","description": "Input parameters don't match each other.","detail": "party already suspended"} | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure. Consumer already suspended |
500 | API_ERROR | { "type": "API_ERROR", "description": "Intenal error occurred.", "detail": "AGP api failed" } | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure. API failed |
500 | RPC_FAILED | { "type": "RPC_FAILED", "description": "Internal error occurred.", "detail": "failed to retrieve party to delete a party role" } | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure |
500 | RPC_FAILED | { "type": "RPC_FAILED", "description": "Internal error occurred.", "detail": "failed to delete a party" } | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure. Failed to rerieve party |
500 | RPC_FAILED | { "type": "RPC_FAILED", "description": "Internal error occurred.", "detail": "failed to retrieve party to add a party role" } | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure |
500 | RPC_FAILED | { "type": "RPC_FAILED", "description": "Internal error occurred.", "detail": "failed to add a party role" } | Internal error suspending party after KYC failure |
400 | FORBIDDEN_ACCOUNT | { "type": "FORBIDDEN_ACCOUNT", "description": "Existing account is suspended or blocked", "detail": "Party is suspended or blocked" } | Party is suspended |
500 | FORBIDDEN_ACCOUNT | { "type": "FORBIDDEN_ACCOUNT", "description": "Existing account is suspended or blocked", "detail": "Party is liquidated" } | Party is liquidated |
Bakkt Link URL Error Codes
Reason Code | Error Explanation |
link_expired | The embedded Link url has expired |
session_expired | User session within the link has expired |
bank_not_supported | Bank is not supported at Bakkt |
user_cancelled | User cancelled bank linking process |
plaid_bank_link_failure | The bank linking experience failed on Plaid |
bakkt_bank_link_failure | Bank linking failed on Bakkt. This could happen for different reasons |
- User is Suspended
- Risk check at Bakkt failed
- Identity or Auth check at Plaid failed
- Bank account linking velocity limit reached at Bakkt
Updated 11 months ago